APEXX Membership Benefits
We're almost there—the launch of our exclusive membership benefits is just around the corner. While we add the final touches, we greatly appreciate your patience. We assure you, the wait will be worthwhile. In the meantime, take the opportunity to discover more about Aplanty Exchange and what it has to offer.
What benefits can I expect to see when the programme is launched?
A limited edition APEXX Card – You will receive one of only 500 personalised cards (made of recycled plastic) that will grant you an online equivalent in the form of digital token and art when Aplanty Exchange release these at the end of 2023.
Early bird invitation to Aplanty House and TEA events.
Free entry to paid Aplanty and TEA events through 31 March 2024. 50% off the ticket price of paid Aplanty and TEA events after 31 March 2024.
One free Aplanty supper club social or Afternoon TEA in London or North Cambridgeshire between August 2023 and 31 July 2024.
20% off overnight stays at Aplanty House North Cambridgeshire.
Invitation and free attendance to the quarterly houseplant investing update, where a detailed review, analysis and discussion on the performance of your investee plants will take place in person in London or North Cambridgeshire and online.
Weekly/fortnightly newsletters Invitation to join the Aplanty Exchange Forum and Houseplant Investing Committees where you can have a bigger say and involvement in the care and direction of your investee plants.
15% discount to use on purchases of plants, substrates and accessories at any of the Aplanty House brand shops, including A Plant Prescription, Planted Addiction and From The Roots Up.
Automatic founder membership in TEA and its Partying for Change activities.
Aplanty Exchange and TEA ‘edutainment’ resources to help you on your botanical and personal investing journeys.
Much more to follow!